24 Januari 2011

for you,MAMA

If I could give you diamonds
for each tear you cried for me.
If I could give you sapphires
for each truth you’ve helped me see.
If I could give you rubies
for the heartache that you’ve known
If I could give you pearls
for the wisdom that you’ve shown.
Then you’ll have a treasure, mother,
that would mount up to the skies
That would almost match
the sparkle in your kind and loving eyes.
But I have no pearls, no diamonds,
As I’m sure you’re well aware
So I’ll give you gifts more precious
My devotion, love and care.

God made a wonderful Mother
A Mother who doesn't grow old.
He made her a smile of sunshine,
And a heart of pure gold.
In her cheeks he placed fair roses,
in her eyes, stars that shine.
God made a wonderful Mother,
And that wonderful Mother is mine.

This wish for you Mother
is straight from the heart.
With more special meaning
than words can impart...
May your day hold pleasures
that your fondest of...
And remember each day
you're thought of with Love.

happy birthday,mama


angah sayang mama!

dari anakmu..

53 ulasan:

hidayah berkata...

happy birthday mama!

af berkata...

Aww~ Ur mum will surely appreciate the poem.

I wish her all the greatness and kindness in the world. Happy Birthday Puan Norzita! :)

kamarukom berkata...

sweet bro!! hehe jg mama ko elok2 ye! muke mmg ank baik nih

PADLE berkata...

hidayah-nnt wish mama tau!

PADLE berkata...

af-i hope she'll readin my blog..die xtau pon aku ade blog senanye..hehe

PADLE berkata...

kamarukom-aku memg anak yg bek pon..kdg2 je nakal..bukan jahat tau..hehe

etykus berkata...

auwh. so sweet. terharu maknye. sejuk hati :) selamat hari jadi mak anda.

me, nelly berkata...

happy birthday mokde!
kemslm mokde okehh! :P

cik bahulu oren berkata...

hepi bzday aunty :)

PADLE berkata...

etykus-sweet kan..hehe

PADLE berkata...


PADLE berkata...

bhulu oren-aku nk bg adiah ape eyh...

Aleen Aiden berkata...

alalaa suweetnye!hepi beday macik!hee

aliza zeke berkata...

hepi befday kat maknye!
maknye nampak muda ar. :)

noa berkata...

kim salam kat kat mak mertua tak jadi aku tu ek

Gieyana berkata...

padle..akak dtg sini lak! To guna hset jer! Little bit slow nk type: anyway..hepi birthdat 2 ur moms yer..moga dmurahkan rezeki n hepi2 selalu. slalu jd anak yg baik k!

Miss b berkata...

oh myyyy

entri utk mama. style la!

Tanpa Nama berkata...

wahh! anak yg baik ni..

T_T ttbe rindu kat ibu....

PADLE berkata...

aleen-suhweet eyh..maseh2..hehe

PADLE berkata...

aliza-mak aku da 40-an kot..

PADLE berkata...

nora-ehem2..mak mertua xjadi?

PADLE berkata...

kak gie-iA..sy memg baek pon..kgkdg je nakal sket..hehe

PADLE berkata...

myaby-asek entri tok awek je..sesekali buat la entri tok bonde terchenta lak..

Anati Soki berkata...

ngeee... sy syg mama sy jugak!!! ngeeeee

Anati Soki berkata...

fllow mellow kamu

nurul rasya berkata...

anak soleh rupanya!
kekeke. wish ur mum for me okay

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Soooooo sweet! ^^,


wahhh...sgt comelll...jeles la....kite dh xde mak...moge mak pjg umo...k

Faten Rosli berkata...

hepi bezday to mama kamu..
semoga sihat2 selalu.. ^_^

Illiana Hidayah berkata...

bagus anak mama ni ek..
terus menjadi anak yang baik! :)

PADLE berkata...

anati-thnx!i'll hit ur blog k!tggu je aku terjah nnt!

PADLE berkata...

she's retarded-soleh?xde la sgt..bese2 je..hehe

PADLE berkata...

faezah-suhweet kan..peeewitt!!hehe

PADLE berkata...

kurekure-xpe..juz doakan yg mak kamu aman di sane k!

PADLE berkata...

fatin-thnx!iA..doa2 skali k!

PADLE berkata...

illianahidayah-iA..aku memg anak yg baek pon..hehe

SheNn berkata...

happy birthday untuk mamy awak...:))

PADLE berkata...

shenn-thnx!nnt aku bgtau mama aku!

Unknown berkata...

Haha. Comel gila muka budak kecik tu! :P

WAHIDA ALIAS berkata...

sweeettt!!happy birthday to ur mom!

PADLE berkata...

fatin syafiqa-tu anak kezen aku ar...

PADLE berkata...

wahida alias-nnt aku gtau die k!

Mohd Nor Quiyyum berkata...

HB mama!

Adam Haiqal berkata...

so sweet anak beranak nih..:)

fasheeha berkata...

Wewiittt! Sweet betul anak mama nih. hehee. Happy besday utk your mum :)

Unknown berkata...

olololo,comelnyer ank mama heheh
hepy besday tuk mama kamu ! semoga Allah kurniakan kesihatan yg terbaek tuk beliau Amin.. :)

PADLE berkata...

quiyyum-wish je ke?bak mai la cekelat tok mak aku weh

PADLE berkata...

adam haiqal-hehe..thnx!

PADLE berkata...

fasheeha-mak aku da bace!die cakap timekasih..

PADLE berkata...

AQ-mama mengucapkan terima kasih

norzita hassan berkata...

terima kasih pada yang wish.doakan kami semua.

JANE berkata...


PADLE berkata...

dee-aku memg dilahirkan manje..tp manje ngan mak aku je la..hee